Buty Burleska i Pin-Up

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  1. Pin Up Couture Bettie-05 NBPT Pin Up Couture Bettie-05 NBPT
    Pin Up Couture Bettie-05 NBPT
    Już od 255,00 zł
  2. Pin Up Couture Bettie-06 R/SA
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    Już od 183,60 zł
  3. Pin Up Couture Cutiepie-06 BWPU Pin Up Couture Cutiepie-06 BWPU
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    Już od 355,00 zł
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Pin-up fashion is a blend of styles made popular in the 1940s and 50s. This means that Rockabilly style lends itself to pin-up style, along with unique offshoots from Burlesque style and that good old cinematic Hollywood glamour.https://g.cz/jak-se-lisi-burleska-od-striptyzu-podivejte-se-na-rozhovor-se-zastupci-prague-burlesque-festivalu/https://prozeny.blesk.cz/clanek/pro-zeny-trendy-moda/631450/ceske-pin-upky-se-niceho-neboji-nevadi-kila-navic-ani-vek-jsou-proste-nadherne.htmlhttps://www.finder.com.au/how-to-dress-pin-up-fashionhttps://www.finder.com.au/how-to-dress-pin-up-fashionhttps://g.cz/pin-up-kralovna-bettie-page-a-jeji-nejuzasnejsi-fotografie/https://unsplash.com/photos/jB9sEa8P5rs https://unsplash.com/photos/PdhWg3S4xOw https://unsplash.com/photos/Q7gkpa3gN-I https://unsplash.com/photos/Q4RWJGzGeHs